Month: August 2021

6 Spiritual Disciplines We Shouldn’t Neglect as We Plan for the Fall: Part 1

Summer is on its way out, and for many the school year has already begun. And whether or not you’re a student, chances are your schedule is changing or has already transitioned into what it’s going to look like until the end of the year and into the holiday season. Maybe your fall classes have begun at your high school or college. Maybe you’re out of school but are a parent with kids who have just started the new school year. Or maybe the “school year” doesn’t affect you at all, but all the summer traveling, beach trips and activities have concluded, and you’re simply settling in for the long haul until the holidays. For grandparents, maybe you’re gearing up for a new season of activities and sports for your family’s youngest generation.  Whichever applies to you, for millions of Americans, this time of year marks the beginning of a new phase in our annual schedules. With that in mind, and as we do all our planning and scheduling, trying to find a sustainable and healthy regiment for the rest of the year, let’s look at six different spiritual disciplines that we should be careful not to neglect as we do so. This week we’ll look at the first three.

1. Make reading God’s Word a regular part of your schedule. This is an obvious one, right? But how many of us can say we are doing this on a regular basis? How many of us treat spiritual food like we do physical food? When we miss our time in God’s Word, do we feel as if we’ve missed breakfast or lunch, or haven’t had our cup of coffee to which we’ve become so accustomed?

As Christians, we say and believe some incredible things about the Bible. We believe it is literally God communicating to us. We believe it is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is “living and active.” We believe is it is the Bread of Life. But if this is true, and indeed it is, are we living like it? Do we believe it is central and foundational to our everyday lives so much that we should construct our days, our schedules, and our time around it? As we undertake the beast that is planning and regimenting our time for the rest of the calendar year, may we do so as an act of worship that places consistent and sincere time in God’s Word at the center of all that we’re working toward.

2. Find time daily to be in prayer. This is another “Sunday school” answer. We all know we should be praying, or at least praying more. So that’s not the problem. The problem isn’t that we need to be told to pray more. Instead, we need to take practical steps to find replicable and sustainable parts of our day that we set aside as times of prayer. Take stock of your daily routine and find a time or a part of your day that you can consistently devote to prayer.

If you struggle with praying regularly, don’t set your expectations too high. It doesn’t have to be a long period of time. It doesn’t even have to be every day. The most important thing is to find a time where you can be committed and consistent. Maybe it’s in line to pick up kids from school. Maybe it’s on the way to work in the morning, or on the way back home in the evening. What if now is the right time to commit to praying with your spouse before bed once a week? Whatever you decide and whatever may be right for you and your family, as you go into the fall, find a time that you can consistently consecrate to the Lord in sincere and fervent prayer.

3. Look for opportunities in seemingly mundane situations to share the gospel. We all know we should be evangelizing and telling others about the good news of the gospel. But if you’re like me, you sometimes find it hard to find ways to do so that aren’t awkward or abrupt. Now let’s be honest, some of that feeling is because we have become too comfortable with the ways of this world. As a result, we’re out of practice or find it awkward because our hearts and minds aren’t tuned into the kingdom of God like they should be. We’re more comfortable talking about the game last night or our favorite TV shows, as we’re easily distracted and may not always focus on embodying Christian modes of thinking and being.

But there is another side to it as well. Many unbelievers don’t respond to the evangelistic methods that may have worked a generation ago. And while there is still a time and a place for gospel tracts and extemporaneous witnessing, most of the realistic opportunities to share the gospel come in the form of everyday, or seemingly mundane, interactions with others that we often neglect to see as an evangelistic opportunity. However, these interactions, especially the consistent ones, are the ones with significant gospel potential (the barista at the coffee shop you see every day, the waitress that regularly serves you at your favorite diner, or your neighbor with whom you’ve mastered “small talk”).

Consider the people you encounter on a daily or weekly basis. Ask yourself if there is a way that being more intentional in conversations and interactions could lead to gospel conversations. Then be diligent and intentional. Prepare and anticipate God opening up opportunities to share the love of Christ with them. And when He does, you should do as the Scriptures say and be “prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15 ESV).

 These are just a few of the ways you can begin thinking about how to incorporate more spiritual disciplines into your schedule moving forward. Obviously, it will look different for everyone and there’s not one magic number of how many minutes in prayer or bible reading a “good Christian” should engage in. But, if we’re honest with ourselves, we are likely to admit that we can do better in some or all of these areas. The most important thing to do then, is not set lofty goals or do the spiritual calculus of what percentage of my time should be spent in the spiritual disciplines, but instead, to be intentional.  Make it a priority. Then find ways to commit to engaging in these soul-enriching activities that will help us grow closer to God and to be more like Him as we go into the world. And no matter what that looks like, if we do so with intentionality, we will find God’s blessing and God’s presence since His Word promises it will never return void.

Lord, grant us the strength to make You the center of our lives, not just for the fall and the holiday season, but for the rest of our lives, in devoted service to Your Kingdom and in intimate relationship with You.

(Next week, we’ll look at three more spiritual disciplines to incorporate into our routine. Stay tuned!)

A Prayer for Afghanistan

The events of the past week and a half have reminded me of what the Psalms say many times: the nations will rage. As we see horrific scenes of what is occurring in Afghanistan, we are a nation trying to make sense of it politically, diplomatically, morally and psychologically. Many are understandably seeing red and looking to hold accountable those who are responsible for these disturbing events. Others feel inadequately equipped to opine on global politics and foreign policy and avoid getting too involved. But whatever your response has been to these tumultuous days, as Christians, there is one response that should be ours before all others. As followers of Christ and ministers of the gospel, it should be our immediate reflex in times like this to go to the Lord in prayer with all our petitions.

In light of this duty we have as believers, together with the desperate need for God to work in the situation that has developed and is continuing to develop in Afghanistan, we want to offer a brief prayer for this messy, dangerous and bleak situation. May we go to God with humility and boldness and petition him for His intervention into the disastrous scenes unfolding in real time. Let’s go to the Lord in prayer.

Our Heavenly Father,

We come to You with burdened hearts for the events of the past week and a half. The devastating effects of man’s sinfulness are on full display as we witness these horrific events occurring in Afghanistan. But, Father, we know You are a good God. You are an all-knowing God who does not ignore the sufferings of man. And You are a sovereign God, on Your throne, in control of all things. Your word has told us that in all things you are working for our good and your glory. Your word also tells us that the nations will rage and that kings will set up kingdoms and, just as quickly, they will fall. God we come to You, who is sovereign over all, and ask that You would work in a situation that seems hopeless. As we witness the nations raging and see men rise to take power and install governments of oppression and injustice, we ask that You would intervene in Afghanistan. We also pray that You would reveal yourself to the Afghan people and begin a miraculous work in their hearts and minds.

We pray for those Afghans who have fought against the Taliban and who are now facing threats to their lives and the lives of their families. Protect them from evil and reveal Yourself to them.

We pray for the Americans still in Afghanistan. Whether they are officials, reporters or translators we ask that You would be with them and shield them from evildoers and protect their lives and the lives of their family members.

We pray for the American troops who have sacrificed greatly for 20 years in this broken country. For any that are still on the ground, give them safety and the means to continue providing aid to the situation and to the vulnerable.

We pray for the men and women in Washington who are making decisions that affect the lives of so many. Give them the wisdom to make decisions that don’t multiply evil and suffering. And prevent them from acting misguidedly or foolishly, or for partisan or self-interested reasons. And give them the courage to make the right decisions moving forward.

We pray for the women in Afghanistan who will suffer greatly under Taliban rule and not be able to enjoy many freedoms they previously did. We pray for these women that in their suffering You would reveal yourself and that they would find their refuge in You.

We lift up the children in Afghanistan, as well, Lord, and ask that You would protect these young ones, and shelter them from the evil around them. Make Yourself known to these young Afghans and use them to bring about a spiritual revolution in their country.

And Lord, we even pray for the men fighting for the cause of the Taliban. May You work a miracle like this world has never seen and capture the hearts and minds of these evildoers, much like you did with your servant Paul. But, Lord if this is not your will, then we ask that You would impede, frustrate and prevent the plans of these men, that their evil ideology and beliefs and values could no longer be spread.

We pray for the missionaries still in Afghanistan. Give them the strength to endure what is sure to become a difficult and life-threatening time. Protect them and secure them, but empower them to never abandon or hide the good news of the gospel and continue proclaiming it to a country in need of it more than ever.

Lord, we pray for the church, the Body of Christ, that we would be vigilant and constantly looking for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. May we pray ceaselessly. May we give generously to those in need during this difficult time. Give us the strength to be courageous and effective in our ministry efforts. Mobilize Your church and use us mightily in serving the vulnerable, all for Your glory.

We ask all these things, with the faith and belief that You have the power to do all of this and more, in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.


I hope that you were able to join in this prayer and petition to God. And I hope that it will encourage and empower you to lift this situation and these people up to Him whenever you see something on the news or social media about the events unfolding in Afghanistan. Let us mobilize as the Body of Christ and be a prominent voice for good in our country and in the world. And let us stand with the vulnerable who need safety and security, but more importantly, who need the grace and love that only the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a relationship with Him, can provide. May we stand ready to share and be an example of this to all those in need of it during this difficult moment. And may we remind ourselves daily that God is on His throne and His wise and sovereign plan can never be thwarted.

Expensive Perfume, Deceptive Rebukes, and an Example of True Stewardship

At FDC, many of the ways in which we enable and equip our members to be effective consumers involve helping you spend, save and steward money. We spend a lot of time talking about these things because it’s important for our personal lives, the lives of our families, the communities we inhabit, and the culture at large in America. We can help you save money through the FDC Marketplace. We enable you to spend money wisely and strategically through the FEI. And we often write blogs or feature podcasts about how to save and steward so that you can experience the blessing of financial health and freedom.

These are all tremendously important things that we believe in and are exceedingly happy to be able to provide our members. But occasionally, it’s helpful to step back, re-center and ensure that we are doing all of these things – good things – out of a foundational and overflowing love for Jesus Christ. As sinful humans, our greatest struggle is with idolatry – making good things, god things. And even something as good and important as saving money and spending it in ways that promote Christian values in our culture, it can become an idol that distracts us, or can even become a monument to our own kingdom here on earth.

One of the most beautiful passages in the New Testament provides us with a powerful reminder of how a true follower of Christ “stewards” her resources in the presence of Jesus her Lord. Let’s take a moment to read this tremendous passage from John 12 together.:

[1] Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. [2] So they gave a dinner for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at table. [3] Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. [4] But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, [5] “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” [6] He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it. [7] Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. [8] For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.” (ESV)

This passage depicts an intimate event, just days before Jesus would be crucified, where His disciples and followers would spend one of their final moments together. During this time, while Martha was about to serve dinner, Mary left the room and came back with a bottle of perfume. This perfume was exceedingly expensive and reserved for burial treatments of family members. A pound of it, as the verse says, would have cost almost a year’s worth of pay for the average person and was among the most expensive and precious things a family owned. It was this perfume that Mary retrieved and then proceeded to pour out – entirely – onto the feet of Jesus. The beautiful aroma filled the room in a way that would’ve been powerful and overwhelming for a rag-tag bunch of smelly fishermen-turned-vagabonds.

Mary’s act of love and sacrifice was not only profound for those in attendance of that intimate dinner with his loved ones. It has been a story that has stirred many hearts for two thousand years as Christians have read of the intense love and devotion of Mary towards her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It stands as one of the most beautiful depictions of intimate love and devotion ever recorded, and, indeed, an example for those of us who are striving to love and serve God in a deeper and more authentic way.


Not everyone reads this story and sees it that way. In fact, within the brief story, itself, we are exposed to the disapproving perspective of Jesus’ disciple Judas. And Judas provides an argument against Mary’s actions, which on the surface seems reasonable enough. Couldn’t she have sold the perfume instead? Wouldn’t all that money have been able to secure much needed resources for impoverished people? Couldn’t it have been used in a less wasteful way? Shouldn’t she have discussed with group or asked permission to use it in this way before impulsively pouring it out on Jesus’ feet? And for that matter, why did she have to pour the entire bottle out? Couldn’t a few drops have been sufficient and gotten the point across?

These are the kinds of complaints Judas had against Mary’s actions as he chastised her for being so wasteful and unthoughtful. But if we’re honest, and if we, for a moment, put aside what we come to know about Judas in later passages, I think we must admit that we are sometimes prone to thinking in similar ways as Judas was here. Sometimes we become distracted and deluded enough to think that there are better ways to spend our resources, time, money and efforts than in pure love and devotion towards our Father and Savior.

But this Scripture tells us what Judas’ rebuke of Mary and his “alternative monetary strategy” was all about: greed and idolatry. Judas had found a way to justify his greed and his treachery and had rebuked others who didn’t contribute to his selfish and earthly fiscal strategy.

It seems that much like how the prodigal son is not only wonderful and redemptive story about a wayward son coming home, but also is just as much a cautionary tale to pharisaical “older brothers,” this passage in John 12 is not just about Mary’s incredible act of devotion and love, it’s also a warning. And while I suspect and hope that none of us have the traitorous and duplicitous intentions on the level of Judas Iscariot, it’s important to remember that we’re still very capable of this kind of thinking and reasoning. We are masters at twisting logic and constructing arguments to conceal our greed and idolatry. And we can fool everyone around us into thinking we’re being good stewards and doing good things for the kingdom.

But even if we aren’t embezzling money from a church or charity, we can still find ourselves building our own kingdom and using clever arguments to justify it. But the truth that this Scripture unequivocally conveys is that there is no use of our resources greater than pure devotion and sincere love displayed through sacrifice to the God who loves us, saved us and has adopted us. May we strive to put on Mary’s lenses, and not Judas’. May we consider God’s economy and the currency of heaven, not the ones of this earth. May we strive to be good stewards of our money and do as we are commanded to in helping and giving to the poor. But may we never fall into the idolatry that places a higher value on anything – whether it be our own greed or any earthly cause, however good it may be – than pure and sincere, self-sacrificial love for Jesus.

4 Ways You Can Help Grow the FDC Community and Increase Its Impact

This year at Faith Driven Consumer™ (FDC), we’ve been fortunate enough to witness really exciting things. We re-launched at the beginning of the year and were able to quickly feature multiple new resources and content. We’ve had amazing support from our community. Whether it be through our Community Members staying up to date with our content and resources, or our Marketplace Members choosing to partner with us and save through the FDC Marketplace, we have been blessed with a wonderfully supportive and engaging community of Faith Driven Consumers (FDCs). We believe God has been working in all these happenings to continue growing this community so that we can accomplish everything we set out to achieve.

We aren’t done yet, not even close. And we need your help to make our community of Faith Driven Consumers a significant and impactful force for the kind of change our culture so desperately needs. If you’re up for it, we want to provide you with simple and easy ways to help our community continue to grow and flourish.

Get the word out. One of the easiest ways to get involved in growing the FDC Community is simply by telling others about who we are and what we do. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to make a difference because it’s a more personal and trustworthy interaction than most. We’re constantly being sold things through commercials, advertisements or promoted posts on social media. But when you hear from a close friend or family member about something they are passionate about, it goes a long way. Consider the different people in your life who would be interested in FDC as well as the content and resources we have; then consider reaching out or talking to them about it. If we get the word out in our various communities of like-minded friends, family, fellow church-members, etc., we’ll see a real growth spurt and an increased impact of our community will inevitably follow.

Sign up. One of the most effective ways you can help us grow is through signing up to be an official FDC member. You can sign up for free to become a FDC Community Member, and we’ll keep you up to date on all the exciting things happening at FDC. You’ll receive the weekly newsletter with updates and links to all new content and resources so that you can be fully informed and equipped to get out there and start making a difference as an FDC. You can also sign up to become an FDC Marketplace Member and take advantage of a vast platform of unlimited savings opportunities. If you become a Marketplace Member, you’ll pay a very small amount, either monthly or yearly (at a steep discount), and gain access to thousands of deals on travel, dining and millions of other things. When you sign up to become a Marketplace Member, you not only unlock significant savings potential, you also help us “keep the lights on” so we can continue facilitating this community of Christian consumers passionate about making a difference. Signing up, in either of the ways given above, is a great way to help us grow this amazing community and ensure it continues making an impact on our culture, increasing the reach and effectiveness of that impact more and more every day.

Take advantage of the FDC Marketplace. Another great way to increase the impact of our community is through utilizing the many deals available on the FDC Marketplace, which benefits you directly as well. If you have signed up to become a Marketplace Member, we are thrilled and so thankful for your support and partnership. But don’t stop there! You’ve done the hard part already and now you get to enjoy the perks of being a Marketplace Member. With a FDC Marketplace membership comes an almost endless stream of savings opportunities. All you have to do is remind yourself to take advantage of these deals by visiting the FDC Marketplace and clicking on the coupons for traveling, dining, shopping and more. And when you use these deals, you’ll not only become a better steward of your or your family’s finances by saving tons of money, but you’ll also enable us to demonstrate to businesses, brands and corporations that we are a community that is making a difference. That, in turn, will force the marketplace, and indeed our culture as a whole, to hear our voices, acknowledge our influence, and begin to adjust their corporate actions appropriately. Something as simple as saving a couple dollars at Domino’s is the kind of thing that, when we work together as a community, can make a significant impact.

Share FDC content on social media. We all know the power of social media. And oftentimes it seems that the bad outweighs the good on places like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But one way in which you can do some good through social media is by sharing the various content and resources at FDC. Is there a particular blog you found interesting or encouraging? Was there an interview on season 1 of the Christians You Should Know Podcast that you found especially intriguing? Did you find out one of your favorite brands was scored ‘Compatible’ on the FEI? These are all great things to share with your friends and followers on social media. It’s also one of the best ways to increase our reach and influence as a community. So, if you find something at FDC helpful, interesting or encouraging, make sure you share it on whatever social media platforms you use. And we’ll be right there to thank you for your support and amplify your message.

These are just a handful of ways to help us continue to grow and extend our reach in the marketplace and culture. You don’t have to do all of them. You don’t have to do any of them. We’re honestly just happy that, at very least, you’ve made your way to our website and decided to read this blog. But if you’re interested in being a part of a community that is becoming a greater influence every day, and you’re interested in seeing this community grow and become a significant force for change in our culture, then we invite and encourage you to be a part of helping us flourish as a real instrument for transformation in our culture.

The 2021 Olympics and Our Fundamental Need for Identity and Community

As the Olympics have been underway for the last couple of weeks, it’s been interesting getting a feel for how people are excited and engaged with this time-honored, albeit delayed, international competition including the greatest athletes in the world. I have been intentionally making myself aware of how it is being received and trying to decipher the differences, if any, there are in whether people are more excited and engaged, or if many Americans are less interested than usual, or even disillusioned with the entire ordeal. To be honest, I’m still figuring out how I’m feeling about it this year. And although I wouldn’t call myself an Olympics fanatic by any means, typically, I pay pretty close attention to it, watch many of the main events, and keep track of the medal count throughout. But I, myself, have noticed that I am viewing these Olympic games a bit differently than normal.

I could be off, but I suspect that I’m not alone in feeling differently towards this Olympics than in years past. My sense is that many are bringing varying personal and cultural feelings into their perspective regarding the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Maybe it’s the fact that these games are a year late, and it feels like a “make-up” event. Maybe it’s because, without fans, the atmosphere of the events, which usually features roaring crowds passionately cheering on their countrymen on the world’s biggest stage, is eerily quiet and makes for a lackluster scene. For some, maybe they find the whole thing too politics-adjacent and don’t agree with how national or international entities have handled issues like COVID-19 protocols, etc. Others may be disillusioned by various participants and the political statements they may bring into what they wish would remain as simply an arena for athletes to compete in various sports for their country’s honor. Conversely, it’s entirely possible that many are more enthralled than ever. Due to recent political and national division and strife, they may just be excited to put all that aside and simply be able to root for their country, its values, and its citizens on the world stage.

However you have been viewing the Olympics, I suspect that if your feelings are different than years past, it has something to do with the divided state of our nation and culture. You may be seeing the Tokyo Olympics as a much needed reprieve from the constant culture wars engulfing the nation, on the other hand you may think the Olympics have already become a casualty of these culture wars, polluted with the toxicity of the same issues. And whether that has made you excited about this year’s Olympic Games or has extinguished your enthusiasm about them altogether, I think that this cultural moment can teach us something profound – and deeply spiritual – about who we are as individuals, as well as members of various communities. Moreover, I believe it can teach us about who we are as sons and daughters of God and citizens of the kingdom of God.

The truth is, these past few years have been exceptionally destructive for the unity of Americans. One could argue that our nation and society are as divided as we have been since the Civil War era. We can’t turn on our TVs or scroll on our phones without being punched in the face with this fact, and we all feel the repercussions of this disunity. But one thing that all of this ugliness can teach us, if we let it, is that we desperately need community. We also need to understand why community is so important, as well as consider what kind of community we’re purposed for.

As Christians, it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that we in America are increasingly divided. We are an increasingly secular nation whose values are becoming progressively divergent to those described and pre-scribed in the Bible. More importantly, we should also be able to explain why this division is so harmful to a society, and debilitating to the individual.

In the first couple of chapters in Genesis, we learn a few fundamental truths about humanity that give us a clear explanation for our deep-seated desire and need for community. First, we learn that God makes us in His image. How does this indicate the necessity of community? Because God is a community unto Himself. We learn that God is both one AND three. Therefore, before He ever created any angel, human or any other kind of creature, God experienced community unto Himself through the inter-personal nature of the Trinity.

Secondly, in Genesis chapter 2, verse 18, God declares that it is not good for man to be alone. So, although God had made man, and it was good, and there was no flaw within this creature, God said that something was missing. It was not good for man to be alone, and in order to reflect the image of God, he was to exist in meaningful relationships with both God and with others.

Now you might be thinking “But we do have communities. I mean, just look around. It seems like it’s nothing but groups and tribes and communities. There’s the LGBTQ+ community, the Black community, the Latino community, etc. There are Republicans and Democrats, and liberals and conservatives. There are even communities of football and basketball fans, and diehard college sports fans. So, don’t we have community? And if so, why are we so divided, isolated and disillusioned?” This a great question. But, while some of these various groups and communities may be well, good and natural, the Scriptures provide us the answer for why we are experiencing so much disunity and division, even when there has arguably never been more communities with which to be involved.

As is often the case in diagnosing our own problems as individuals and as a society, the answer to the problem involves the sin of idolatry. We humans are experts in making a good thing a God thing. The problem is not that we have found earthly communities where we come together around things like nationality, ethnicity, beliefs, or interests. The problem is that we have replaced our most fundamental identity and community with these earthly ones which pull us in every direction, tell us countless different things, but ultimately are fleeting and temporal.

The bible tells us who we are, and from start to finish, it declares that we are (1) family members of God as adopted sons and daughters, and (2) citizens of the eternal kingdom of God. When we forget these beautiful and fundamental truths about who we are, it distorts our perspective and causes all kinds of problems, both vertically and horizontally. When we forget that we are members of the family of God – a staggering and life-changing truth – then we will fail to treat God as the loving Father that He is. We will fail to see ourselves as His children and will struggle to rightly understand the privileges and responsibilities that accompany our adoption. Also, failing to understand ourselves as sons and daughters will have a negative impact on our community. When we don’t take this truth as the supreme one in our lives, we will find ourselves unifying around the wrong kinds of things. These communities and those things on which they are based, will ultimately fail to satisfy us or deliver the kind of joy and satisfaction that only comes from the community God has created us for.

When we start to understand these fundamental truths about who we are and what we were meant to be unified around, we can refocus our priorities and stop letting worldly tribes and earthly groups define who we are. We can stop depending on political or ethnic communities to provide us with the meaning and significance that can only be found by being a son or daughter of God, a brother or sister to other believers, and an eternal citizen of the kingdom of heaven. As we consider what the Olympics and this specific era in our nation’s existence are telling us, may we discover and destroy the idols of earthly communities we have erected as a replacement for the community of God. May we allow the division they have created to give way to unity, grace and peace that comes from being sons, daughters of the King and citizens of His kingdom.

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