The primary goal of Faith Driven Consumer™ (FDC) is to provide a platform that promotes Christian values in the marketplace, workplace and culture. These values include many different virtues and practices, all of which we find in God’s Word first, but also through observing successful societies in history. One such value that is central to our goal of impacting the culture in a transformative way is reflected in God’s very special and beautiful plan for His creation: the family. It’s no surprise then, considering FDC’s emphasis on the family, and as Mother’s Day quickly approaches, we want to take the time to recognize, thank, celebrate and encourage the mothers in our lives, acknowledging their incredible impact. Beyond that, we want to take a quick look at what it means to be a faith driven mother and make sure we appreciate all that biblical motherhood entails. This way, even if you aren’t a mother, you can celebrate and support mothers in grateful and godly ways. And if you are a mother, hopefully you will find encouragement while feeling cherished and appreciated for who you are in light of the responsibility God has given you.
When you step back and consider all of the profound and weighty responsibilities God has entrusted to mothers, you start to get a picture of just how vital a part of God’s plan for creation mothers truly are. In Genesis 1 and 2, we get a staggeringly beautiful picture of God’s power and His character. We learn about a God who does many wonderful, beautiful and powerful things. But the central theme among the works of God in creation is that He is a God who brings forth life. When God speaks, things come into being. And after demonstrating the process by which He creates life of all kinds and in every way, He culminates this creative process in making humans in His own image. Then He does something incredible. After God made man, He tasked man with doing the same thing to the earth that God had just done with the entire cosmos… go forth and multiply. It now became clear what the central goal of humanity was, to “go and do likewise” and bring light from darkness, order from chaos, and life where there was none.
Now you may be asking yourself, “What does this have to do with Mother’s Day, exactly?” Good question! The point is that God made humans to bring forth life, and to create, multiply and fill the earth. This is the first “Great Commission.” This is God’s plan for us. And if we look in scripture, in biology, in sociology, and many other areas, we find that at the heart of this grand and beautiful plan is God’s special place for women – particularly, the unique and incredible responsibility of motherhood. One of the most powerful ways humans can embody God’s plan is through the amazing privilege that is motherhood.
God has demonstrated His love for mothers in the order of creation, and in their capacity to emulate God in creation, by bringing new life into the created order. Even more than that, however, God has entrusted mothers with a central role in the family and instilled a special relationship between mothers and children. This relationship is profound and formative in the lives of children, young and old. God knows the importance of mothers in the lives of children – He designed it that way! That means that God’s plan for the future – His plan for who the church will be, what they will look like, and what the body of Christ will accomplish – largely depends upon the influence mothers have in raising up the next generation. So we get a picture of both an incredible privilege and also an enormous responsibility.
This enormous responsibility, and the impact of a mother on the life of a child, whether young or all-grown-up, is why we celebrate and recognize the importance of mothers in our society. It’s why we have a day (although, let’s be honest, every day should be Mother’s Day) dedicated to acknowledging and appreciating everything that mothers have done, as well as the immense sacrifices they make to fulfill God’s design for the family.
Although we almost got lost in the theological weeds there for a minute, the point has been to simply say thank you to all of the mothers who tirelessly work to uphold the beauty of God’s creation and His people – to go and multiply and bring forth life, and sustain it in a way that mimics the family of God in the Trinity. God’s Word, as well as all of creation, testifies to the vital role that mothers play in this beautiful story. This truth is evident in everyone’s life, as even those who may not have grown up with a mother in the house can still point to one woman or another who has played an integral part in their formation and success.
To all the mothers reading this today, we want you to be reminded of the special and beautiful plan God has for you, both in your specific circumstances, and also in God’s sovereign plan for the world. You are shaping the next generation of believers and the imprint of your influence is unmistakable on society, families and the body of Christ. It may be difficult at times, but God has made it evident that you too are cherished and a vital part of His plan to never leave you nor forsake you. So, be encouraged and know that God loves you and has prepared you for this blessing and responsibility.
And if you are reading this today and you are not a mother, please consider those who have influenced your life and the ways in which God has sustained you in your formative years or through tough times. Then, when you undoubtedly (and probably immediately) recall your mother, or another women who filled that role in your life, reach out and let her know how much she means to you and how thankful you are for her impact on your life.
The hope and prayer of all of us at FDC is that, if you are a mother, you will be encouraged and re-invigorated as you remember just how special you are to God and His sovereign plan for the world. We love you. We appreciate you. And we couldn’t do it without you. Have a Happy Mother’s Day.